After 5 years without playing the piano, I picked it back up and accompanied my hubby on the flute and my friend Elissa singing the beautiful hymn "I Cannot Tell." You'll be able to find the video on my Facebook within a few minutes if you want to see how that turned out. It came out pretty well thank God! :)
dress: maxx studio thrifted, pumps: thrifted, belt: forever 21
On a side note: I LOVE Maxx Studio dresses! I was so excited when I found this pretty blue one for just $9 at a thrift store. They always fit so perfectly. Love it!
Note to self: Take pictures BEFORE your belt falls down below where it's suppose to be after a long day. Thanks.
The trio from left to right: Anthony, my hubby, Rubi, and the lovely Elissa.
The four of us :)
With Love,