Entirely His

"Not only must our relationship to God be right. Ultimately God will let nothing escape, every detail is under His scrutiny. In numberless ways God will bring us back to the same point over and over again. He never tires of bringing us to the one point until we learn the lesson, because He is producing the finished product. It may be a question of impulse, and again and again, with the most persistent patience, God has brought us back to the one particular point; or it may be mental wool-gathering, or independent individuality; God is trying to impress upon us the one thing that is not entirely right. Whatever it is, God will point it out with persistence until we are entirely His." 
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers 

Lately I've become a compulsive stressor. I stress a lot about things that I know I should trust the Lord in. There is an abundance of promises in the Bible that tell me exactly how the story will play out, if I trust Him, yet I choose to worry and stress. God sends me persistent reminders of His watching over me, "Seek first my Kingdom, and everything else will be added unto you." But still, I worry. Still, I stress. This is a point God is really pointing out to me, persistently. Maybe he is allowing trials so that this point is tested and so that I may emerge a refined diamond. I don't know. 
Lord, help me to trust you fully. I want to be entirely Yours
dress: soundgirl at macys, sandals: gifted
With my super fabulous pink friend, Eli
I had such a great time taking pictures and playing Pit with my girl friends! 
Photography by Liliet Prevost , she's awesome!
