11 Things About Yours Truly & Liebster Award Nomination

I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Owl Eye Vintage! Thank you Sarah! I'd also like to thank my husband for supporting me in the blog journey, my mom and dad, my little brother, and my grandmas. My two pet kitties back home and my late rabbit. Just kidding! But seriously, thanks for the nomination! Here's what you do when you're nominated for a Liebster Award:

  • Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
  • They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
  • They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
  • They must then choose 11 special bloggers to tag & award with the Liebster award with less than 200 followers.
  • These lucky bloggers must be told in a comment on their blog.
Here it goes, 11 things about yours truly:

I've been blogging since I was a little baby, thanks to my Pops instruction! 

While in grade school, Wacky Tacky Day was hands-down my favorite day of the year. I wish we still had Spirit Week in college! I jump at the opportunity to dress up, every time. Oh, and I would dress up my brother every time too. Isn't he just the cutest? Rawr! 
I have a bit of a wild side few people know about. You have to be a very close friend to know and understand the extent of my personality. Speaking of my brother, he's not so wittle anymore, but I LOVE him and I live to annoy the heck out of him, even as adults. 
My husband and fell in love when I was 14 and he was 15. Yep! We were little ones, but here we are, happily married to each other! :) This is the first picture we ever took together. The awkwardness is evident, but thank goodness you get better looking with age! 
Is it okay to have a benign  crush on your baby self? Because I do! It's not being narcissistic or even conceited, but I was just so cute. You know, I know what it is! I have an obsession with babies! And since I was once a baby, I love my baby self! Do you think I'm crazy yet?  
Since before we got married, my husband and I have been sponsoring a child from India through Gospel for Asia. It's wonderful to know you're helping someone across the globe have a meal to eat, education, and most importantly, the opportunity to know Jesus. This picture was taken the day we started sponsoring him at Youth Specialties 2010. :)
I'm from Cuban/Puerto Rican descent and the QuinceaƱera phenomenon is alive and well in Miami. It's like a Sweet 16's but at age 15 and marks your transition from girl to woman. Here is one of my quince pictures: me with my poofy pink ball gown and pretty tiara. Fun fact: I used this same tiara for my wedding day!
I HATE chocolate. Plain and simple. The taste is horrifying. I know, I'm an alien! The picture below was taken in 8th grade when a friend was forcing me to try Chili's Hot Fudge Sundae. Grossss!
Now we're talking. My favorite food in the whole world? Sweet plantains! I could eat them everyday and not get tired!
I went to a charter school for the arts for high school and played flute in the band & orchestra. I also play piano and viola. But since I haven't practiced in such a long time, my skills are super rusty! 
My hubby and I honeymooned in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic two summers ago. Oh how I wish I could go back there! This picture was taken in a pool of fresh water with sea stars, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Beyond gorgeous! 
Here it goes, Sarah's 11 questions
  1. Favorite thing to wear: pretty dresses
  2. Dream city to go on vacation to:  Jerusalem.
  3. Celebrity you would like to meet and go to the movies with: Keifer Sutherland.
  4. Favorite ice cream flavor: cookies and cream (Oreos are my exception to the I hate chocolate rule!)  
  5. Dream job: Nurse Midwife.
  6. If you had 5 minutes to shop and grab anything you wanted in any store, what store would it be: Anthropologie.
  7. Favorite book: There's many books that have impacted my life and formed my beliefs. The Bible being the first and most important one.  
  8. Favorite smell: baby cologne.
  9. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life and not gain weight, what would it be: fried sweet plantains.
  10. Favorite movie: 27 dresses.
  11. Favorite sport to play/watch: Baseball. (watch, not play!)     
My questions for my nominees:
  1. What/Who has the greatest influence on your beliefs?
  2. What's your favorite book, ever?
  3. Name one woman you greatly respect. 
  4. Biggest pet peeve?
  5. What's your dream city to settle down and live?
  6. What's your favorite season of the year?
  7. Favorite holiday?
  8. Name one embarrassing celebrity crush you've had. 
  9. Share one of your favorite quotes.
  10. What's your favorite animal?
  11. What's your closet staple?

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