You Need Only to Be Still

Exodus 14 describes the "exodus" of the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. The Lord had commanded them to camp out by the sea and rest. I can imagine the Israelites, happy to be out of the land of slavery. Grins must've adorned their faces as they rejoiced in their newfound freedom. But their celebration is trampled by doubt as they witness an army of Egyptians trotting towards them, preparing to attack and recover the Israelites as their slaves. The only thing the Israelites could see with their eyes was the enemy; the only thought that rushed through their minds was imminent death. But, the Lord does say in Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." God works at a whole other level; He uses us, His beloved creation, to bring Him glory and make Him famous. As the enemy approached, the Israelites whined and cried and cursed the deliverance of the Lord. For that moment, they forgot the way God had led them in the past and His ability to lead them towards a safe future. That's when Moses, that faithful man of God, spoke the powerful words that still ring true to my heart today, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." [verse 14] The Lord then spoke to Moses and instructed him to use his staff to part the Red Sea. The Israelites walked the ocean floor and arrived in safe harbor while the Egyptians drowned to their deaths. Is God not faithful? Does He not always deliver? I love the idea that I don't have to fight my battles alone. When you see the enemy approaching and all seems to have no hope, remember friend, "do not be afraid...the Lord will fight for you!" We are not designed to live life alone, to fight alone, to struggle alone. Jesus graciously tells us to cast all our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. [1 Peter 5:17] He wants to fight for us. In fact, He already did, and won on the cross! What an amazing God we serve. Be victorious today, the Lord is fighting on your behalf!
dress: quicksilver, denim jacket: gap, tights: target, boots: kenneth cole reaction via marshals, hat: marshals, purse: fossil

On a fashion note: Fall is here and my boots and hats are out and about! The temperature dropped to the 40s today, yikes! One more thing: Let me introduce you to my new purse. My momma gifted me this purse before I left Miami and I love it so much. You'll see it make an appearance quite often.

With much love,

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